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UrodynamicsUrodynamic Testing

Urodynamics is a procedure used to determine a diagnosis in women with urinary problems, especially incontinence.


It is a simple procedure that takes approximately 10-15 minutes in your doctor’s rooms. Firstly your doctor will fully explain the procedure to you, before giving you some privacy to empty your bladder into the commode toilet provided.

You will then be asked to lie down on the examination bed while your doctor inserts 2 tubes: one is a temporary two-way catheter inserted through the urethra into the bladder and the other is a tube inserted into the rectum (back passage). The bladder tube is connected to a 500ml bag of saline fluid which is slowly pumped in to your bladder.

Is It Painful?

Both tubes are connected to a computer in order to monitor the different pressures within your bladder. It is important to note that this procedure should not be painful, however it may be uncomfortable and you should inform your doctor at these times.

You are asked to make your doctor aware of the first sensation of needing to urinate and then again when the sensation becomes urgent. The procedure is ceased at this time.

You are then asked to stand up and cough, before empting your bladder into the commode, this time with the tubes in. The nurse will then remove both tubes and your doctor will discuss the findings of the procedure.